Who invented the transistor?

The transistor, which is regarded as one of the most important inventions of the 20th century and the lifeblood of electronic circuits, was found in 1947. The team consisting of John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, headed by William Shockley in the research laboratories of the world's largest telephone company, Bell organizations, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in 1956, due to these new groundbreaking inventions in technology He was worthy.


Bardeen and Brattain were trying to find an option against the Thermionic caps used in the acquisition, strengthening, and projection of radio and telephone signals. It had to be a certain amount of time to warm these lamps that were quick to break and costly. And they were consuming a lot of electricity.


The team made the first transistor from a thin germanium layer. Two days before Christmas at 1947, this transistor was plugged into a radio circuit and Brattain wrote the following lines in his notebook: "This circuit really works. Because of the sound level, a noticeable elevation was achieved. " The transistor, just like the lamp, amplified the sound signal. But it was much smaller in size and needed less energy. At first, hardly anyone believed that a tiny device could replace those big lamps. But Shockley and his team have made great strides in four years. In 1952, the transistor was lowered to one-tenth of the original dimensions and was much stronger in 1957, with 30 million transistors produced annually. Developments in this area are still ongoing.


Instead of the germanium layer, scientists began to use pure purity crystals, which could withstand much greater heat intensity. Transistors were manufactured, which can transmit the current in as little as one hundred million seconds. Thanks to these mobile calculators, digital clocks were made. The lamps in radio and television receivers also replaced the transistors. If it weren't for these little awesome devices, it would not be possible to have satellite communications, spacecraft and the moon's conquest by man.