The invention and history of ink

The history of Ink is based on prehistoric times. According to history, the ink was found by Tien-Lcheu under the borders of China in 2697 BC. The first time the ink was found, the Egyptian civilization began to use ink. Once written to papyrus, these writings were written with the help of ink. The writings on papyrus were written thanks to feather pens.


Because of the ink, human beings have found the paper. They have even added alternative methods to the paper; Parchment, like a papyrus. For the first time, the Pergamon used the parchment paper.


It's been pretty hard to get the ink. Some kind of operation was needed for the ink to be made. Some of these operations are the burning of pine trees, resulting from these flames, the gas oils obtained from musk. The Chinese presented the ink and some civilizations developed it. The inclusion of paints into ink has made the ink real. When the ink was added to the clean powder and the acorn, the ink literally found life.


In ancient times, black ink was often used. Later, color variations were started. Some scrolls from the past to the present are evidence. It is seen that the initials are written with ink in a different color.


The journey of ink from China to Egypt, from Egypt to Byzantium, has been in very different forms. For; While the Chinese cut paper sales to Europe, the Byzantines also banned the use of red ink. They were always with ink.


Nowadays, many types and colors of ink appeared. Nowadays, there are plenty of options, such as fountain pen ink, computer ink, printing ink, copy ink, and so on. But the fact is that ink is at the beginning of inventions that will not change from past to the future. It is very important for us to learn our history.