How to Get Rid of Head Lice

In lice treatment, parasites use chemical drugs that block the respiratory tract or drugs that affect their muscles

A combination of several treatment modalities is effective.

After the lice treatment is applied, the lice eggs in the hair must be cleaned with a comb.

Care should be taken not to allow even a single egg.

Even two eggs that can survive can cause the remainder to appear in the future.

After a week, the lice treatment must be repeated in the same way.

Other family members must be treated at least once.

Hair lice and eggs like moist and oily environment. The best place they can feed is the hair.

Hair lice are a blood-sucking parasite. When they settled in the hair, they start dropping off their eggs.

People who see a lice egg for the first time may think it's a dandruff..

The dandruff is flat and in the pourable structure.

A lice egg is oval and sticks to the hairline. When it is tightened with a nail, it pops out with a small sound.

Shampoos are sold in pharmacies to get rid of hair lice and eggs. These can be applied in the treatment of hair lice. Do not try dangerous chemicals such as gas oil in your hair. You can damage hair.

Herbal treatment method.
Apply apple circe to your hair.
Scan your hair using comb designed for lice treatment
You can do this 2 or 3 times a day.

If your child is going to the school, it would be useful to have a short haircut.

Hair lice are infectious parasites.

The hair buckets, combs, hair bands, scarves and pillow cases are the best places to infect eggs. It needs to be cleaned.

How to apply lice shampoo?
When the hair is dry, it is separated into certain compartments and scanned with comb.

It is sprayed to those parts about 20cm away.

Hand rub it.

Wait 15 minutes for the drug to take effect. With shampoo, hair is rubbed without getting wet.
Foamed and washed.

It is scanned with special lice comb. Checks are made after dry.

If necessary, the same procedure is taken one week later.