How does the telescope work? Invention of the telescope

The telescope is a very impressive tool that shows very distant objects as if they were near us. Telescopes are used nowadays in a variety of sizes. Besides the small telescopes you can pick up from the toy store, there are varieties such as the Hubble Space Telescope, which has tons of weight. To sample what an impressive device the telescope is, you can read a handwriting of 80 meters away with a small 20cm telescope.

There are two types of the telescope in the world. Reflective telescopes using the glass lens and the mirror-lens system. Although the work done with both methods is the same, they work in very different ways.

To understand how the telescope works, you have to think, Why can't we read the article 80 meters away? The answer is very simple because the size of the inscription on our retina remains very small and unreadable. If we consider our eyes as a digital camera, we can see that the text at 80 meters away from the entire image will consist of several pixels and is quite far from the size that can be read. If we had a much bigger eye, then we could focus on that part of the image and read the article.

That's what the telescope's working logic is like. The light coming from the lens's focus is collected at some point by breaking or reflecting with mirrors and it is ensured that it looks much larger. The lens is fixed in the human eye, so we can't zoom in or out. What we can do is just focus on a point.

When we take a magnifying glass in your hand, we actually create a telescope system between the magnifying lens and our own eye lens.

Here, the light from the lens is reflected in the eye lens and the image is now magnified as it occurs in the small lens.

The telescopes have two basic features, the first is how well it gets the light, and the latter knows how much the image it takes. These also depend on the purity, quality, roughness, and most importantly the size of lens lenses. The larger the lens is used, the larger the image is obtained.



The telescope was first invented by Dutch Hans Lippershey in 1608 and used in military space. Based on the principle of refraction, this telescope is the first to use in astronomy. They were using telescopes consisting of a combination of Lippershey and Galileo convex and concave lenses. In 1611, Kepler started to use the telescope developed using two convex lenses. The telescopes using this system developed by Kepler are still the best.